Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"The Epitome of Happiness"

 It was a great weekend in the company of our great Meeker friends. The fun started Friday evening with a concert in the park.  The Summer Concert series, brought to Meeker the Pineapple Crackers. They entertained everyone with a mix of Hawaiian Roots/Reggae which included covers by Pink Floyd and 311 to name a few.  With great music in the background we relaxed on the courthouse lawn eating pizza, drinking beer and wine (or whatever), people watching and overall just enjoying the summer and friends. 

The night included some dancing and signing however to protect those involved I have decided not included the photographic proof, but you know who you are!

On Saturday a group of children and "children at heart" gathered on a patio for a potluck of good food, in preparation to watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1.  We decided that Liam was not old enough to watch movie (and he has not read the books yet, so we didn't want to spoil it for him) so we skipped out before the feature presentation.  Nonetheless it was once again a great chance to gather with friends for good conversation and good company. 

Sunday took us out of town to waste the day on the boat.  Liam was not so pleased to spend a few hours in his life jacket however he quickly forgot about while swimming with Daddy and two of his favorite people. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Day Without Liam

This past weekend Kyle took Liam out for a "boys adventure" and I got to spend a precious few hours in the company of Shilo. Of course I did not use it to its full potential, I cleaned did some laundry and organized some paperwork.  For a better idea of what Kyle and Liam did visit Mandi's air show. Thank goodness that Mandi went along to document the experience in photos for the other moms who did not attend.

While I enjoyed spending a few hour without a baby or a husband, I enjoy their company more than being alone. I think I will keep them around.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Me as a Photographer

This afternoon, when things finally cooled off a little bit, Liam and I spent a little time in the backyard enjoying the green grass and the general "wonderfulness" of summer.  I couldn't resist the chance to take a few pictures and share them. These are a sampling of my favorites (of course everything is better in black and white).