Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weekend Trip to Durango

Last weekend we decided to take a trip down south to Durango to visit Ada, Carly and Chris.  Liam enjoyed being snuggled and going to the park, however Kyle and Ada may have had more fun there.

Ada declared that Kyle is her boyfriend!

Liam tried to eat a swing!

Kyle rode a lion!

Shilo reluctantly went down a slide

Liam even went downt he slide, of course he had assistance.

4 Month Old and Growing Like a Weed

Liam had his 4 month doctors appointment.  This included a round of shots but more exciting a trip to the scale.  He weighed in at 15 lbs. 4 oz. (50th - 75th percentile) and 26.25 inches (95th percentile).  Needless to say Liam is one big boy!

In the words of Liam's doctor "He's not exactly skinny!"
But he is not fat either!!!