Monday, February 28, 2011

Livin' It Up with Lizzy

This past weekend Liam enjoyed a visit with his cousin Lizzy (my sister Carrie's baby, who is 7 weeks older), his Aunt Carrie and grandparents.  Liam and Lizzy are both now fully aware that the other exists and may in fact be a baby just like themselves.  The adults especially enjoyed watching the two babies smile and flirt with each other, and thank goodness this time Liam did not make Lizzy cry.  As well the babies and mommies took the little ones in the pool. As for Liam, he is an old pro at this thing called swimming.  He kicks his legs and splashes his arms a bit, but his newest trick in the water is to dunk his face.  On the other hand, Lizzy did not take to the water at first.  She cried for a few minutes before relaxing and realizing that this is just a big bath tub, except mommy doesn't get mad when she gets splashed with water. As for the best part, what would a visit with the cousins be without pictures.

Lizzy doesn't know what to think of Liam, she might be confused on why he looks so much like Kyle!

Grandparents with their grand babies.

Kyle with Lizzy & Liam

Three generations (Liam 15 weeks & Lizzy 22 weeks)

Three generations (Liam 2 weeks & Lizzy 9 weeks)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3 Month Old Update

Yesterday was Liam's "3 Month Birthday."  I am clearly obsessed with his growth since I get him measured every month.  He is currently 13 lbs. 15 oz. and 25 inches long (it is really 24 and 7/8, but who's counting).   
Liam is happy and healthy little boy.  He really likes windows and ceiling fans.  He gets very fraustered when he can't roll over.  He doesn't like hats that cover his eyes. He loves kisses from Shilo and Shilo loves him (but can't wait till he can learn to throw a ball). 

Kyle and I are very lucky to have such a wonderful son.  Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Daddy and Baby Adventures

Yesterday evening was absolutely beautiful, the sun was out and it was warm for dead of winter.  What better things to do then wrap the baby up, put him in the Beco, grab your best friend and "nephew," strap on snowshoes, and walk up China Walls.  Kyle, Liam, John, Christopher made it to the top and great views of Meeker as the sun was setting (of course this means they had to walk down at dusk.)
When Kyle got back I asked how Liam did, he responded "well he slept the whole way and wrecked a diaper." Liam needed a bath when he got back and we will probably throw his shirt away because the poop stains won't come out!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Roll Baby Roll

This morning everything just clicked for Liam in his struggle to roll from belly to back.  After weeks of trying, and getting very frustrated Liam figured out that rolling is no big deal.  He makes it look so easy!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh How He Grows

Just to catch-up on Liam's amazing growth during the first two-and-half months.  He started out as just a tiny guy. 

At birth he weighed an impressive 5 lbs. 11 oz. and 19 inches long.  I am still thankful that he was little because of his difficult birth. (Take notice of his cone head, that has luckily gone away).

Liam at one day old, very sleepy but waving hello to everybody. At his smallest Liam weighed 5 lbs. 2 oz. when he was 5 days old. Sitting with Grandpa he looks very small and yellow (I partly blame the lighting in his bedroom) but he did have a problem with jaundice.

At one month old our little Liam had bounced up to 8 lbs. 4 oz. (I have a better picture but somehow I have managed to loose it in cyberspace, it is on my Facebook page)

At two months he was an impressive 11 lbs. 1 oz. At 9 weeks he had doubled his birth weight (12 lbs. 1 oz. and 23.25 inches long) and weighed 3 oz. less then his cousin Elizabeth who is 7 weeks his elder.

We now believe him to be larger than his cousin, in terms of weight but she is still longer than him. He is due for a growth spurt any day now (I know this because when I pick him up he doesn't feel that heavy, very scientific of me)!

I Must Explain

This weekend I spent an afternoon reading a blog that a friend created to share daily life of her two boys, it was filled with great pictures, stories, and a very special tap dancing video. So that is how I ended up here. My goal is to be a punctual as Mandi in updating, writing stories, and taking great pictures (forgive me if I do not succeed). The purpose of this blog is for our family and friends to keep updated on the life of Liam, his doggie brother and once in a while his parents. 

So now the question must asked, why is it named The Thomson Twins? Since there are no twins involved. For lack of creativity, I borrowed the idea from Caitlin.  While Carrie and I were pregnant this past year Caitlin would refer to us from time to time as Boy George (Carrie George) and The Thompson Twins. A tribute to pop music from the 80s' or her subtle way of poking fun, I am not sure which. And thus the name The Thomson Twins has arrived, however there is no relation or physical similarities. By now you should be singing "hold me now, hold my heart, stay with me, let lovin' start" and the catchy tune will remain stuck in your head for the remainder of the day. 

Please enjoy and ignore my spelling mistakes.